Pantone products Learn more about Pantone. Pantone Color Bridge GG6103B 色彩橋樑

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Product SKU /產品編號:

Pantone GG6103B

Pantone Color Bridge


彩通 色彩橋樑



*2022年 12月版

*共 2359 色

*包括最新的 6001C ~ 6224C

*Pantone 專色 轉 四色 ( CMYK )

*提供 RGB, HTML 值

*色號例子: 123C, 123CP, 7410C,7410CP

* 例子: 7410CP -- 即用四色油墨模擬專色 7410C 印刷時的效果 及 此色的 CMYK 值


*2022 December edition

*2359 colors

*included new colors 6001C/U ~6224C/U

*Pantone Solid Color to CMYK

*provide the RGB and HTML value of the color

*color code sample: 123C, 123CP, 7410C,7410CP

*for example: 7410CP -- you can see the result of printing the 7410C by CMYK ink only, and also the CMYK value of this 7410CP

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