曼塞爾色彩體系(Munsell Color System)是色度學(或比色法)裡透過明度(value)、色相(hue)及彩度(chroma)三個維度來描述顏色的方法。
這個顏色描述系統是由美國籍美術教育家阿爾伯特·曼塞爾(Albert H. Munsell,1858-1918)在1898年創製的,
In colorimetry, the Munsell color system is a color space that specifies colors based on three color dimensions:hue, value (lightness),
and chroma (color purity). It was created by Professor Albert H. Munsell in the first decade of the 20th century and adopted by the USDA
as the official color system for soil research in the 1930s.
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Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test
孟塞爾色棋測試H100 |
SKU: CEP001 |
- 四個色匣乘放85個可取出的彩色棋子
- 棋子顏色依色相遞增方式變化,橫跨整個可見光譜
- 包括評分軟件磁碟、使用說明及一個方便攜帶的手提箱
- 檢測系統評估色彩敏銳度並加以分等,可測出色盲或其他色彩視覺缺陷
- 藉著受測對象依色相次序排列色棋的能力測試出色彩視覺能力
- 經政府及產業界使用超過60年的全球標準
- Four trays containing 85 removable color reference caps
- Cap colors are in incremental hue variations and span the visible spectrum
- Includes scoring software CD, use instruction and a convenient, portable carrying case
- Color Test evaluates and ranks color acuity and detects color blindness or other deficiencies
- Color vision aptitude is detected by the ability of the test subject to place the color caps in order of hue
- A global standard that has been used by governments and industry for more than 60 years
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Munsell色彩冊 - 光面版 |
SKU: M40115B |
- 光面系列是Munsell色彩中的「主要色譜」
- 光面色彩冊包括可以打造出Munsell色彩空間實體模型的完整色彩系列。內容包含如何運用Munsell色彩系統的簡短教學,
- 光面系列是Munsell色彩的「主要色譜」。包含超過1,600種可移動式的高亮度色樣,置於40張固定色調的頁面上。
- 文件夾規格:單一冊3.5” 扣環檔案夾:13.75" (長) x 4" (寬) x 11.75" (高)
- The Glossy Collection is the "master atlas" of Munsell Color.
- The Glossy book of color includes a complete range of colors creating a physical model of the Munsell Color Space.
- The book includes a brief tutorial on how the Munsell Color System works; with easy to follow graphics for understanding
where the Munsell color space the color is located.
- The Glossy Collection is the "master atlas" of Munsell Color.
It contains over 1,600 removable high-gloss color samples on 40 constant-hue pages.
- Binder Specifications: Single 3.5" ring binder: 13.75" (L) x 4" (W) x 11.75" (T).
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Munsell色彩冊 - 啞面版 |
SKU: M40115B |
- Munsell色彩冊 - 啞面版包括可以打造出Munsell色彩空間實體模型的完整色彩系列。
- 光面系列是Munsell色彩的「主要色譜」。包含超過1,600種可移動式的高亮度色樣,置於40張固定色調的頁面上。
- 文件夾規格:單一冊3.5” 扣環檔案夾:13.75" (長) x 4" (寬) x 11.75" (高)
- The Munsell Book of Color, Matte Edition includes a complete range of colors creating a physical model
of the Munsell Color Space. The book includes a brief tutorial on how the Munsell Color System works,
with easy to follow graphics for understanding where the Munsell color space the color is located.
- The Glossy Collection is the "master atlas" of Munsell Color.
It contains over 1,600 removable high-gloss color samples on 40 constant-hue pages.
- Binder Specifications: Single 3.5" ring binder: 13.75" (L) x 4" (W) x 11.75" (T).
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Munsell Neutral Value Scale – Glossy Finish
孟塞爾色卡 灰度計 亮光版 |
SKU: M50130 |
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The Munsell Neutral Value Scale is a 37-step gray scale fan deck with values of 0.5/ to 9.5/, in quarter step intervals.
Munsell notation and % reflectance for CIE Illuminant C printed for each color.
Size of each neutral chip 3” x 2” x 3/4”.
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Munsell Neutral Value Scale – Matte Finish
孟塞爾色卡 灰度計 啞光版 |
SKU: M50135 |
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The Munsell Neutral Value Scale is a 37-step gray scale fan deck with values of 2.0/ to 9.5/, in quarter step intervals.
Munsell notation and % reflectance for CIE Illuminant C printed for each color.
Size of each neutral chip 3” x 2” x 3/4”.