Wah Kan Stationery & Gifts Company 
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Color Index色卡 
  RAL  德國 色卡
DIC 日本色卡

Business Machine

Electronic Scale

Tanita Body Composition Analysers
Measurement Tools
IMADA   推拉力計 / 扭力計
Peacock Gauge  卡錶
Asker 硬度計
Bestool_Kanon  扭力計
DeFelsko 膜厚計 SK SATO 温度計
Peacock 千分錶
Sample Cutter
Light Box
PEAK  Magnifier
放大 鏡
How to Order 訂購須知
訂 購表格




Natural Color System
NCS® Index gives you an easy, practical overview of all the 1950 NCS® colors. It takes up little room, is easy to carry with you with the unique design of the cover that keeps the pages protected.
The new NCS® Index has a clear visual division into grey, yellow (hues G80Y - Y70R), red (Y80R - R70B), blue (R80B - B70G) and green (B80G - G70Y) and intermediate pages make it easy for you to find what you want among the 1950 NCS® colors. Markings in the NCS® Color Circle and NCS® Color Triangle on each page show the positions of the colors in the NCS system. It also includes a text describing the NCS® system and giving examples of color combination possibilities in the NCS system.

Sample formats: 20x50 mm / 26x50 mm.

         1950 個 NCS 標準顏色.
        光澤:95%在15-20之間(60°)半光面 semi-matte
  內頁規格:50×295 mm
  色樣規格:20×50 mm,其中32個淺色規格為50×26mm
  規格:55×75×300 mm

NCS_glossy A high-end glossy fan deck based on NCS, with an easy, practical and intuitive overview of the entire range of 1,950 NCS Original colours, each with a unique glossy finish - including the 200 new light colours introduced in 2004.


光澤:光面 Glossy


NCS Block 1950 Original, supply in 2 versions: arranged by hue or arranged by nuance

Each of the 1950 NCS color samples can be fanned out, isolated from colors around and can be placed against different surfaces. The NCS Block is an excellent aid for taking stock of and identifying colors on different materials.

  • A total of 1950 NCS samples are included in 9 blocks.
  • 9 color fans: format 35 x 104 mm
  • supply in decorative black protection box, weight 2 kg


Original NCS BOX 1950

The ideal color library and an important tool for studios and all those who needs larger samples ready to hand for making a better color judgement.

The NCS Box includes all the NCS colors sorted by hue, with a total of 1950 color samples, format DIN A6. The color surfaces on the color samples are turned towards the user and the samples are raised on their short sides to give a good overview. Clear edges between the hues make NCS Box easy to work with.

The NCS color identification is pressed several times at the back of the samples.

  • Format of the samples: 105x148 mm
  • Supply in decorative black protection box, weight 8.6 kg
  • All the 1950 NCS samples can be ordered separately in format DIN A 4.

hks_n Original HKS® color fan N for uncoated paper including 88 inks.

Indispensably for the professional during the customer advisory service and with decisions over the HKS® colors of business prints (HKS® N for nature/uncoated paper) and folders (HKS® K for coated paper).

With screened color nuances in gradation of 10% steps up to 80%.

Mass approx. 6.5 x 21.5 cm.
All descriptions in german, english and french.

hks Original HKS® color fan K for coated paper including 88 inks.

Indispensably for the professional during the customer advisory service and with decisions over the HKS® colors of business prints (HKS® N for nature/uncoated paper) and folders (HKS® K for coated paper).

With screened color nuances in gradation of 10% steps up to 80%.

Mass approx. 6.5 x 21.5 cm.
All descriptions in german, english and french.

hks_n3000 HKS® N Color Fan 3000 plus
Color security during the conversion of the new decoration colors

HKS® K Color Fan 3000 plus
Color security during the conversion of the new decoration colors

HKS_set All 88 HKS® colors are represented in gradation of 10% steps + each gradation with black grid of 10%, 30% and 50%.

All 3520 colors of the new fan can be obtained in the pressure as follows:

  1. As decoration color (basic color)
    All colors can, as in the fan shown, be printed as decoration color and/or as 5. color (cmyk + HKS) with and/or without black grid.
  2. As ready mixed color
    All screened color nuances can be mixed as full tone color (decoration color).
  3. As conversion to 4c (euro scale)
    From all 3520 colors there are all CMYK values on that CD Rome of the HKS of DTP package 3,0.
The HKS fan 3000 plus contains 1 sheet with raster values and 1 sheet with the full tone value from each basic color. It contains thus a complete HKS fan plus the rastered version as shown below. All descriptions in german, english and french.

ADC Complete Process Color Chart
This book makes the conventional color swatch obsolete. Printed in true process color, all 12,816 process colors can be used by every designer with complete confidence when specifying print or reproduction instructions. What is specified will appear as the end result. Tabbed pages are a further feature, making the contents instantly accessible.

Print in Japan

munsell_n Munsell Nearly Neutrals Book of Color

Munsell nearly neutrals book of pastel colors and near-neutrals contains 1,174 color chips adhered and mounted on 20 constant hue pages (5 and 10 positions of the 10 Munsell hues).

The value range is 6/ to 9/ in half steps. The chroma range is /0 to /4 in half steps. The nearly whites page features a value of 9.25/ for 20 hues with a chroma range of 0.5/ to /2.5 depending upon the hue.

  • Chart size: 28 x 21,5 cm
  • Chip size: 2,5 x 1,5 cm

    3-Ring Binder

  • Size: 29 cm x 26,5 cm

  • munsell_color_fan Munsell Color-Fan-Set
    Nearly Neutral Value scale

    Set with 2 Munsell Color Fans with neutral grey scales, 1 fan with 31 colorfields matte and 1 fan with 37 colorfields glossy.
    Each with Value of 0.5 to 9.5 in 0,25 steps.
    Fan 16,5 x 5 cm, color display 20 x 50 mm     The Munsell Neutral Value scale is a graduation of neutral grey scale between absolutly black (0% reflectance) and absolutly white (100% reflectance).

        * Black N 1.75 - N 2.25
        * Dark Gray to Black N 2.5
        * Dark Gray N 2.75 - N 4.25
        * Medium to Dark Gray N 4.5
        * Medium Gray N 4.75 - N 6.25
        * Medium to Light Gray N 6.75 - N 8.25
        * White to Light Gray N 8.5
        * White N 8.75 - N 9.5

      Munsell Book of Color matte
    • Sturdy ring binder 30 x 30 cm
    • a total of 41 color charts with 1300 bonded color patterns 15 x 23 mm
    • color representation matte
    • 40 color charts with 1269 color references
    • 1 color chart with 31 Munsell Neutrals
    • comment: the non-colored, neutral and pastel inks are only partly contained in this color atlas.
      The colors in the detail:
    • Value respectively 2.5 to 9 in 1er steps, Y in addition 8,5
    • Chroma starting from 2 in 2er steps, dependent on the color upto max. 14 on 20 pages starting from Chroma 1 (all 5 and 10 Hue)
    • Hue R/ YR/ Y/ GY/ G/BG/ B/ PB/ P/ RP
      respectively in the gradations 2.5/ 5 / 7.5 / 10
    • 1 page with 31 neutral colors, black, white, grey value 2 (black) till 9,5 (knows) in 0,25 steps

    munsell_set     *  Munsell Book of Color glossy2 ringbooks 30 x 30 cm, delivery in light safe box.
        * Complete 48 color sheets with 1600 removable Chips 20 x 40 mm.
        * 40 color sheets with 1325 color references
        * 4 Munsell Gray color sheets, 160 Chips
        * 3 Supplementary color sheets, 78 Chips
        * 1 color page with neutral hues, 37 Chips
        * All Chips are marked on the backside with the Munsell notations.

        * The hue's detailled:Value range from 2 until 9 in whole steps, + Y in 8.5
        * Chroma range from 2 in equal steps of 2, in dependance from hue until max. 16

        * Volume 1Hue R / YR / Y / GY / G
        * - respective in the steps of 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10
        * 2 color sheets of Munsell Grays R-Y and GY-G with 80 color chips
        * 2 color sheets with additional hues R-YR and Y-G with 58 color chips

        * Volume 2Hue BG / B / PB / P / RP
        * respective in the steps of 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10
        * 2 color sheets Munsell Grays BG-PB and P-RP with 80 color chips
        * 2 color sheets with additional hues PB-RP with 20 color chips
        * 1 color sheet Neutral Value Scale 37 Chips

    The Euro Scale ( CMYK )
    CMYK Compact Color Booklet cmyk

    Standard equipment for all, who layout folders and other 4-colored prints themselves and hand over the files to printing plants.
    Because of its small size, handy to use at the computer-workstation, size approx. 13,5 x 15,5 cm.

    CMYK_DCS Digital Color Scale Mini Edition - coated -/ uncoated

    Small, light and mobile - the cheap solution for beginners and professionals show you in advance how the ink-on-paper will look.
    Also available on uncoated stock.    

        * displays 20.736 different color combinations on 144 pages
        * chip-size 14 x 14 mm
        * cmyk are shown in the following percentages: 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, ..., 100
        * natural paper, white, woodfree